Dieser Beitrag wurde vor am Donnerstag, 22. April 2010 um 15:02 Uhr veröffentlicht und unter Allgemein, Art, On Paper gespeichert. Sie können Kommentare zu diesem Eintrag über den RSS-2.0-Feed verfolgen. Sie können einen Kommentar hinterlassen oder einen Trackback von Ihrer Website hierher setzen.
hi –
do you have themes? bothered by certain issues? why it has to be all over? so big? are these copies of the actual drawings? prints?
and do you sell some times some of your stuff (guess you make the real money somewhere else)?
do you know the work of zofia kulik? maybe you like it.
yes copies of the actual drawings,it is all over because i had to try that out once. god bless it dint look SO much better so i dont think have to do it everytine (argh:glue in faceand so on.)-but was woth it.
there are themes but not some it could write in one ore two sentences–i dont wanna get into that here..
yes other job- true; selling could be betttter